Captain Gantuu is never presented to us in a favourable light, and is thus relegated to being the villain of the movie. At
the beginning he is simply viewed as being short-tempered and intolerant, however by the end of the film this mildly dislikeable
aspect of his personality has grown to immense proportions. He becomes incredibly sadistic, angry, violent, and egotistical.
Most importantly, however, his intolerance becomes his defining characteristic, as he is unable to view Stitch as anything
but a monster. He even overlooks Lilo as nothing more than a snack for Stitch to eat on the way back to space.

Gantuu's intolerance is the only character trait in the entire cast of characters which Disney presents as unforgivable.
Stitch is forgiven of his aggression and destructiveness, Lilo is forgiven for her disobedience, Jumba is forgiven for creating
Stitch for evil purposes, and Pleakley is forgiven for being incompetent. Even the inflexibility of the Grand Council Woman
is accepted when she manages to bend the rules to allow Stitch to stay on earth. Gantuu, on the other hand, is forcibly retired.
The direct reasoning is that he failed to capture Stitch, and is therefore labelled incompetent. However, his failure is only
a plot aspect. To an outside viewer Gantuu's punishment is more due to his intolerant nature, which has made him into a villain.
Here Disney is sending the audience a message that intolerance is the only true crime it recognizes. Characters such as Frollo
from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", Ratcliffe in "Pocahontas", and Kenai in "Brother Bear" are
all individuals whom Disney identifies as intolerant, and are all punished for it (and only Kenai learns the error of his